microbial archive kit.

Send us a sample of your own homemade yogurt and we’ll tell you about your unique microbial terroir. You’ll be joining a global project cataloging the unique microbiomes of yogurts from homes across the world.

it’s awesome:

you make yogurt, we find your microbial terroir, you get a custom flavor kit, and together, we build a one-of-its-kind citizen microbial archive.

how it works.


1.you make yogurt.

We will send you a neutral yogurt starter, produced in our lab as a controlled reference sample. We’ll also send you instructions on how to make your own yogurt that will capture the terroir of your kitchen with the microorganisms that grow in your yogurt.

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2.we sequence it.

You send your microbial archive kit, containing a sample of your yogurt + empty starter container back to us. We’ll sequence it in our lab and give you a custom analysis of the unique microbial terroir in your yogurt.

We sterilize and reuse the containers to make more kits to go around the world!

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3.everyone learns.

Your yogurt’s genome sequence will be added to our global yogurt microbial archive. This is the first of its kind— a citizen science experiment that will help us see the interconnectedness of our cultures- microbial and otherwise- around the world!


join our global community. request your own kit today!